
LanguageExt.Core Transducers


Sub modules


class Transducer Source #


method Transducer<A, B> Tail <A, B> (this Transducer<A, B> recursive) Source #

Wrap this around a tail recursive call to mark it as the end of a recursive expression.

method Transducer<A, B> Use <A, B> (this Transducer<A, B> transducer, Func<B, Unit> dispose) Source #

Resource tracking transducer

method Transducer<A, B> Use <A, B> (this Transducer<A, B> transducer) Source #

where B : IDisposable

Resource tracking transducer

method Transducer<E, B> Apply <E, A, B> ( this Transducer<E, Func<A, B>> ff, Transducer<E, A> fa) Source #

Applicative apply

Gets a lifted function and a lifted argument, invokes the function with the argument and re-lifts the result.



Result of applying the function to the argument

method Transducer<E, B> Apply <E, A, B> ( this Transducer<E, Transducer<A, B>> ff, Transducer<E, A> fa) Source #

Applicative apply

Gets a lifted function and a lifted argument, invokes the function with the argument and re-lifts the result.



Result of applying the function to the argument

method Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>> Action <E, X, A, B> ( this Transducer<E, Sum<X, A>> fa, Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>> fb) Source #

Applicative apply

Gets a lifted function and a lifted argument, invokes the function with the argument and re-lifts the result.



Result of applying the function to the argument

method Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>> Apply <E, X, A, B> ( this Transducer<E, Sum<X, Func<A, B>>> ff, Transducer<E, Sum<X, A>> fa) Source #

Applicative apply

Gets a lifted function and a lifted argument, invokes the function with the argument and re-lifts the result.



Result of applying the function to the argument

method Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>> Apply <E, X, A, B> ( this Transducer<E, Sum<X, Transducer<A, B>>> ff, Transducer<E, Sum<X, A>> fa) Source #

Applicative apply

Gets a lifted function and a lifted argument, invokes the function with the argument and re-lifts the result.



Result of applying the function to the argument

method Transducer<Unit, B> Invoke <A, B> (this Transducer<A, B> f, A value) Source #

Partial application


param f

Transducer to partially apply

param value

Value to apply


Constant transducer with the first argument filled

method Transducer<B, C> Invoke <A, B, C> (this Transducer<A, Transducer<B, C>> f, A value) Source #

Partial application


param f

Transducer to partially apply

param value

Value to apply


Transducer with the first argument filled

method Transducer<B, C> Invoke <A, B, C> (this Transducer<A, Func<B, C>> f, A value) Source #

Partial application


param f

Transducer to partially apply

param value

Value to apply


Transducer with the first argument filled

method Transducer<A, C> Map <A, B, C> (this Transducer<A, B> m, Func<B, C> f) Source #

Maps every value passing through this transducer

method Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>> MapRight <E, X, A, B> (this Transducer<E, Sum<X, A>> m, Func<A, B> f) Source #

Maps every right value passing through this transducer

method Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>> MapRight <E, X, A, B> (this Transducer<E, Sum<X, A>> m, Transducer<A, B> f) Source #

Maps every right value passing through this transducer

method Transducer<E, Sum<Y, A>> MapLeft <E, X, Y, A> (this Transducer<E, Sum<X, A>> m, Func<X, Y> f) Source #

Maps every left value passing through this transducer

method Transducer<E, Sum<Y, A>> MapLeft <E, X, Y, A> (this Transducer<E, Sum<X, A>> m, Transducer<X, Y> f) Source #

Maps every left value passing through this transducer

method Transducer<E, Sum<Y, B>> BiMap <E, X, Y, A, B> ( this Transducer<E, Sum<X, A>> transducer, Func<X, Y> Left, Func<A, B> Right) Source #

Maps every left value passing through this transducer

method Transducer<E, Sum<Y, B>> BiMap <E, X, Y, A, B> ( this Transducer<E, Sum<X, A>> transducer, Transducer<X, Y> Left, Transducer<A, B> Right) Source #

Maps every left value passing through this transducer

method Transducer<A, C> Select <A, B, C> (this Transducer<A, B> m, Func<B, C> g) Source #

Maps every value passing through this transducer

method Transducer<A, B> Flatten <A, B> (this Transducer<A, Transducer<A, B>> ff) Source #

Take nested transducers and flatten them


param ff

Nested transducers


Flattened transducers

method Transducer<A, B> Flatten <A, B> (this Transducer<A, Transducer<Unit, B>> ff) Source #

Take nested transducers and flatten them


param ff

Nested transducers


Flattened transducers

method Transducer<Unit, Sum<X, A>> Flatten <X, A> ( this Transducer<Unit, Sum<X, Transducer<Unit, Sum<X, A>>>> ff) Source #

Take nested transducers and flatten them


param ff

Nested transducers


Flattened transducers

method Transducer<Env, Sum<X, A>> Flatten <Env, X, A> ( this Transducer<Env, Sum<X, Transducer<Env, Sum<X, A>>>> ff) Source #

Take nested transducers and flatten them


param ff

Nested transducers


Flattened transducers

method Transducer<Env, Sum<X, A>> Flatten <Env, X, A> ( this Transducer<Env, Sum<X, Transducer<Unit, Sum<X, A>>>> ff) Source #

Take nested transducers and flatten them


param ff

Nested transducers


Flattened transducers

method Transducer<Env, Sum<X, A>> Flatten <Env, X, A> ( this Transducer<Env, Sum<Transducer<Env, Sum<X, A>>, Transducer<Env, Sum<X, A>>>> ff) Source #

Take nested transducers and flatten them


param ff

Nested transducers


Flattened transducers

method Transducer<A, C> Bind <A, B, C> (this Transducer<A, B> m, Func<B, Transducer<A, C>> g) Source #

Projects every value into the monadic bind function provided.



Monadic bound transducer

method Transducer<A, C> Bind <A, B, C> (this Transducer<Unit, B> m, Func<B, Transducer<A, C>> g) Source #

Projects every value into the monadic bind function provided.



Monadic bound transducer

method Transducer<A, C> Bind <A, B, C> (this Transducer<A, B> m, Transducer<B, Transducer<A, C>> g) Source #

Projects every value into the monadic bind function provided.



Monadic bound transducer

method Transducer<A, C> Bind <A, B, C> (this Transducer<Unit, B> m, Transducer<B, Transducer<A, C>> g) Source #

Projects every value into the monadic bind function provided.



Monadic bound transducer

method Transducer<E, Sum<X, Unit>> Bind <E, X, A> (this Transducer<E, A> ma, Transducer<A, Guard<X, Unit>> f) Source #

Projects every value into the monadic bind function provided.



Monadic bound transducer

method Transducer<E, Sum<X, Unit>> Bind <E, X, A> (this Transducer<E, A> ma, Func<A, Guard<X, Unit>> f) Source #

Projects every value into the monadic bind function provided.



Monadic bound transducer

method Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>> BindSum <E, X, A, B> (this Transducer<E, Sum<X, A>> ma, Transducer<A, Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>>> f) Source #

Projects every value into the monadic bind function provided.



Monadic bound transducer

method Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>> BindSum <E, X, A, B> (this Transducer<Unit, Sum<X, A>> ma, Transducer<A, Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>>> f) Source #

Projects every value into the monadic bind function provided.



Monadic bound transducer

method Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>> BindSum <E, X, A, B> (this Transducer<E, Sum<X, A>> ma, Func<A, Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>>> f) Source #

Projects every value into the monadic bind function provided.



Monadic bound transducer

method Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>> BindSum <E, X, A, B> (this Transducer<Unit, Sum<X, A>> ma, Func<A, Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>>> f) Source #

Projects every value into the monadic bind function provided.



Monadic bound transducer

method Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>> BindSum <E, X, A, B> (this Transducer<E, Sum<X, A>> ma, Transducer<A, Transducer<E, B>> f) Source #

Projects every value into the monadic bind function provided.



Monadic bound transducer

method Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>> BindSum <E, X, A, B> (this Transducer<Unit, Sum<X, A>> ma, Transducer<A, Transducer<E, B>> f) Source #

Projects every value into the monadic bind function provided.



Monadic bound transducer

method Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>> BindSum <E, X, A, B> (this Transducer<E, Sum<X, A>> ma, Func<A, Transducer<E, B>> f) Source #

Projects every value into the monadic bind function provided.



Monadic bound transducer

method Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>> BindSum <E, X, A, B> (this Transducer<Unit, Sum<X, A>> ma, Func<A, Transducer<E, B>> f) Source #

Projects every value into the monadic bind function provided.



Monadic bound transducer

method Transducer<E, Sum<X, Unit>> BindSum <E, X, A> (this Transducer<E, Sum<X, A>> ma, Transducer<A, Guard<X, Unit>> f) Source #

Projects every value into the monadic bind function provided.



Monadic bound transducer

method Transducer<Unit, Sum<X, Unit>> BindSum <X, A> (this Transducer<Unit, Sum<X, A>> ma, Transducer<A, Guard<X, Unit>> f) Source #

Projects every value into the monadic bind function provided.



Monadic bound transducer

method Transducer<E, Sum<X, Unit>> BindSum <E, X, A> (this Transducer<E, Sum<X, A>> ma, Func<A, Guard<X, Unit>> f) Source #

Projects every value into the monadic bind function provided.



Monadic bound transducer

method Transducer<Unit, Sum<X, Unit>> BindSum <X, A> (this Transducer<Unit, Sum<X, A>> ma, Func<A, Guard<X, Unit>> f) Source #

Projects every value into the monadic bind function provided.



Monadic bound transducer

method Transducer<A, D> SelectMany <A, B, C, D> ( this Transducer<A, B> ma, Func<B, Transducer<A, C>> bind, Func<B, C, D> project) Source #

Projects every value into the monadic bind function provided.



Monadic bound transducer

method Transducer<A, Sum<X, C>> SelectMany <X, A, B, C> ( this Transducer<A, B> ma, Func<B, Guard<X, Unit>> bind, Func<B, Unit, C> project) Source #

Projects every value into the monadic bind function provided.



Monadic bound transducer

method Transducer<A, B> Filter <A, B> (this Transducer<A, B> f, Transducer<B, bool> pred) Source #

Filter the values in the transducer


param f

Transducer to filter

param pred

Predicate to apply


Filtered transducer

method Transducer<A, B> Filter <A, B> (this Transducer<A, B> f, Func<B, bool> pred) Source #

Filter the values in the transducer


param f

Transducer to filter

param pred

Predicate to apply


Filtered transducer

method Transducer<A, Sum<X, B>> Filter <X, A, B> (this Transducer<A, Sum<X, B>> f, Transducer<B, bool> pred) Source #

Filter the values in the transducer


param f

Transducer to filter

param pred

Predicate to apply


Filtered transducer

method Transducer<A, Sum<X, B>> Filter <X, A, B> (this Transducer<A, Sum<X, B>> f, Func<B, bool> pred) Source #

Filter the values in the transducer


param f

Transducer to filter

param pred

Predicate to apply


Filtered transducer

method Transducer<A, B> Ignore <A, B> (this Transducer<Unit, B> m) Source #

Lifts a unit accepting transducer, ignores the input value.

method Transducer<A, B> MemoStream <A, B> (this Transducer<A, B> transducer) Source #

Caches the result of the transducer computation for each value flowing through.

This works within the context of a single Invoke operation, so it only makes sense if you're using the transducer as part of a stream process. This allows each item coming through to have its result cached. So you never repeat the process for each A value.

NOTE: Transducers use both a value and a state as inputs to its transformation and reduce process. For memoisation the state is ignored. In a non-memoisation scenario a different state and value pair could produce different results; and so this should be considered when deciding to apply a memo to a transducer: it only checks value equality.


param transducer

Transducer to memoise


Memoised transducer

method Transducer<A, B> MemoStream <EqA, A, B> (this Transducer<A, B> transducer) Source #

where EqA : Eq<A>

Caches the result of the transducer computation for each value flowing through.

This works within the context of a single Invoke operation, so it only makes sense if you're using the transducer as part of a stream process. This allows each item coming through to have its result cached. So you never repeat the process for each A value.

NOTE: Transducers use both a value and a state as inputs to its transformation and reduce process. For memoisation the state is ignored. In a non-memoisation scenario a different state and value pair could produce different results; and so this should be considered when deciding to apply a memo to a transducer: it only checks value equality.


param transducer

Transducer to memoise


Memoised transducer

method Transducer<A, B> Memo <A, B> (this Transducer<A, B> transducer) Source #

Caches the result of the transducer computation for each value flowing through.

Unlike MemoStream - which only caches values for the duration of the the call to Invoke - this caches values for the duration of the life of the Transducer instance.

NOTE: Transducers use both a value and a state as inputs to its transformation and reduce process. For memoisation the state is ignored. In a non-memoisation scenario a different state and value pair could produce different results; and so this should be considered when deciding to apply a memo to a transducer: it only checks value equality.


param transducer

Transducer to memoise


Memoised transducer

method Transducer<A, B> Memo <EqA, A, B> (this Transducer<A, B> transducer) Source #

where EqA : Eq<A>

Caches the result of the transducer computation for each value flowing through.

Unlike MemoStream - which only caches values for the duration of the the call to Invoke - this caches values for the duration of the life of the Transducer instance.

NOTE: Transducers use both a value and a state as inputs to its transformation and reduce process. For memoisation the state is ignored. In a non-memoisation scenario a different state and value pair could produce different results; and so this should be considered when deciding to apply a memo to a transducer: it only checks value equality.


param transducer

Transducer to memoise


Memoised transducer

method Transducer<E, (A First, B Second)> Zip <E, A, B> ( this Transducer<E, A> First, Transducer<E, B> Second) Source #

Zips transducers together so their results are combined.

Asynchronous transducers will run concurrently


param First

First transducer

param Second

Second transducer


A transducer that contains the results of both provided

method Transducer<E, Sum<X, (A First, B Second)>> Zip <E, X, A, B> ( this Transducer<E, Sum<X, A>> First, Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>> Second) Source #

Zips transducers together so their results are combined.

Asynchronous transducers will run concurrently


param First

First transducer

param Second

Second transducer


A transducer that contains the results of both provided

method Transducer<E, (A First, B Second, C Third)> Zip <E, A, B, C> ( this Transducer<E, A> First, Transducer<E, B> Second, Transducer<E, C> Third) Source #

Zips transducers together so their results are combined.

Asynchronous transducers will run concurrently


param First

First transducer

param Second

Second transducer

param Third

Third transducer


A transducer that contains the results of all provided

method Transducer<E, Sum<X, (A First, B Second, C Third)>> Zip <E, X, A, B, C> ( this Transducer<E, Sum<X, A>> First, Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>> Second, Transducer<E, Sum<X, C>> Third) Source #

Zips transducers together so their results are combined.

Asynchronous transducers will run concurrently


param First

First transducer

param Second

Second transducer

param Third

Third transducer


A transducer that contains the results of all provided

method Transducer<A, TFork<B>> Fork <A, B> ( this Transducer<A, B> transducer, Option<TimeSpan> timeout = default) Source #

Create a transducer that is queued to run on the thread-pool.


param transducer

Transducer to fork

param timeout

Maximum time that the forked transducer can run for. None for no timeout.


Returns a TFork data-structure that contains two transducers that can be used to either cancel the forked transducer or to await the result of it.

method Transducer<A, TFork<S>> Fork <S, A, B> ( this Transducer<A, B> transducer, S initialState, Reducer<B, S> reducer, Option<TimeSpan> timeout = default) Source #

Create a transducer that is queued to run on the thread-pool.


param transducer

Transducer to fork

param timeout

Maximum time that the forked transducer can run for. None for no timeout.


Returns a TFork data-structure that contains two transducers that can be used to either cancel the forked transducer or to await the result of it.

method Transducer<A, B> Retry <A, B> ( this Transducer<A, B> transducer, Schedule schedule) Source #

Keep retrying if the transducer fails


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep retrying


A transducer that retries

method Transducer<A, B> RetryUntil <A, B> ( this Transducer<A, B> transducer, Schedule schedule, Func<Error, bool> predicate) Source #

Keep retrying if the transducer fails


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep retrying

param predicate

Predicate that decides whether to continue on each failure. If it returns true then the retying stops and the Error is yielded.


A transducer that retries

method Transducer<A, B> RetryWhile <A, B> ( this Transducer<A, B> transducer, Schedule schedule, Func<Error, bool> predicate) Source #

Keep retrying if the transducer fails


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep retrying

param predicate

Predicate that decides whether to continue on each failure. If it returns false then the retying stops and the Error is yielded.


A transducer that retries

method Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> Retry <RT, X, A> ( this Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> transducer, Schedule schedule) Source #

where RT : HasFromError<RT, X>

Keep retrying if the transducer fails


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep retrying


A transducer that retries

method Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> RetryUntil <RT, X, A> ( this Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> transducer, Schedule schedule, Func<X, bool> predicate) Source #

where RT : HasFromError<RT, X>

Keep retrying if the transducer fails


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep retrying

param predicate

Predicate that decides whether to continue on each failure. If it returns true then the retying stops and the Error is yielded.


A transducer that retries

method Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> RetryWhile <RT, X, A> ( this Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> transducer, Schedule schedule, Func<X, bool> predicate) Source #

where RT : HasFromError<RT, X>

Keep retrying if the transducer fails


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep retrying

param predicate

Predicate that decides whether to continue on each repeat. If it returns false then the repeating stops and the latest value is yielded.


A transducer that retries

method Transducer<A, B> Retry <A, B> ( this Transducer<A, B> transducer) Source #

Keep retrying if the transducer fails


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep retrying


A transducer that retries

method Transducer<A, B> RetryUntil <A, B> ( this Transducer<A, B> transducer, Func<Error, bool> predicate) Source #

Keep retrying if the transducer fails


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep retrying

param predicate

Predicate that decides whether to continue on each failure. If it returns true then the retying stops and the Error is yielded.


A transducer that retries

method Transducer<A, B> RetryWhile <A, B> ( this Transducer<A, B> transducer, Func<Error, bool> predicate) Source #

Keep retrying if the transducer fails


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep retrying

param predicate

Predicate that decides whether to continue on each failure. If it returns false then the retying stops and the Error is yielded.


A transducer that retries

method Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> Retry <RT, X, A> ( this Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> transducer) Source #

where RT : HasFromError<RT, X>

Keep retrying if the transducer fails


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep retrying


A transducer that retries

method Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> RetryUntil <RT, X, A> ( this Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> transducer, Func<X, bool> predicate) Source #

where RT : HasFromError<RT, X>

Keep retrying if the transducer fails


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep retrying

param predicate

Predicate that decides whether to continue on each failure. If it returns true then the retying stops and the Error is yielded.


A transducer that retries

method Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> RetryWhile <RT, X, A> ( this Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> transducer, Func<X, bool> predicate) Source #

where RT : HasFromError<RT, X>

Keep retrying if the transducer fails


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep retrying

param predicate

Predicate that decides whether to continue on each repeat. If it returns false then the repeating stops and the latest value is yielded.


A transducer that retries

method Transducer<A, B> Repeat <A, B> ( this Transducer<A, B> transducer, Schedule schedule) Source #

Keep repeating the transducer


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of repeats and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep repeating


A transducer that repeats


A transducer that repeats

method Transducer<A, B> RepeatUntil <A, B> ( this Transducer<A, B> transducer, Schedule schedule, Func<B, bool> predicate) Source #

Keep repeating the transducer until a condition is met


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of repeats and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep repeating

param predicate

Predicate that decides whether to continue on each repeat. If it returns true then the repeating stops and the latest value is yielded.


A transducer that repeats

method Transducer<A, B> RepeatWhile <A, B> ( this Transducer<A, B> transducer, Schedule schedule, Func<B, bool> predicate) Source #

Keep repeating the transducer until a condition is met


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep repeating

param predicate

Predicate that decides whether to continue on each repeat. If it returns false then the repeating stops and the latest value is yielded.


A transducer that repeats

method Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> Repeat <RT, X, A> ( this Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> transducer, Schedule schedule) Source #

where RT : HasFromError<RT, X>

Keep repeating the transducer


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one


A transducer that retries


A transducer that repeats

method Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> RepeatUntil <RT, X, A> ( this Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> transducer, Schedule schedule, Func<A, bool> predicate) Source #

where RT : HasFromError<RT, X>

Keep repeating the transducer until a condition is met


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep repeating

param predicate

Predicate that decides whether to continue on each repeat. If it returns true then the repeating stops and the latest value is yielded.


A transducer that repeats

method Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> RepeatWhile <RT, X, A> ( this Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> transducer, Schedule schedule, Func<A, bool> predicate) Source #

where RT : HasFromError<RT, X>

Keep repeating the transducer until a condition is met


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of repeats and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep repeating

param predicate

Predicate that decides whether to continue on each repeat. If it returns false then the repeating stops and the latest value is yielded.


A transducer that repeats

method Transducer<A, B> Repeat <A, B> ( this Transducer<A, B> transducer) Source #

Keep repeating the transducer


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of repeats and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep repeating


A transducer that repeats


A transducer that repeats

method Transducer<A, B> RepeatUntil <A, B> ( this Transducer<A, B> transducer, Func<B, bool> predicate) Source #

Keep repeating the transducer until a condition is met


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of repeats and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep repeating

param predicate

Predicate that decides whether to continue on each repeat. If it returns true then the repeating stops and the latest value is yielded.


A transducer that repeats

method Transducer<A, B> RepeatWhile <A, B> ( this Transducer<A, B> transducer, Func<B, bool> predicate) Source #

Keep repeating the transducer until a condition is met


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep repeating

param predicate

Predicate that decides whether to continue on each repeat. If it returns false then the repeating stops and the latest value is yielded.


A transducer that repeats

method Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> Repeat <RT, X, A> ( this Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> transducer) Source #

where RT : HasFromError<RT, X>

Keep repeating the transducer


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one


A transducer that retries


A transducer that repeats

method Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> RepeatUntil <RT, X, A> ( this Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> transducer, Func<A, bool> predicate) Source #

where RT : HasFromError<RT, X>

Keep repeating the transducer until a condition is met


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep repeating

param predicate

Predicate that decides whether to continue on each repeat. If it returns true then the repeating stops and the latest value is yielded.


A transducer that repeats

method Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> RepeatWhile <RT, X, A> ( this Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> transducer, Func<A, bool> predicate) Source #

where RT : HasFromError<RT, X>

Keep repeating the transducer until a condition is met


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of repeats and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep repeating

param predicate

Predicate that decides whether to continue on each repeat. If it returns false then the repeating stops and the latest value is yielded.


A transducer that repeats

method TResult<S> Run <S, A, B> ( this Transducer<A, B> transducer, A value, S initialState, Reducer<B, S> reducer, CancellationToken token = default, SynchronizationContext? syncContext = null) Source #

Invoke the transducer, transforming the input value and finally reducing the output with the Reducer provided


param transducer

Transducer to invoke

param value

Value to use as the argument to the transducer

param initialState

Starting state

param reducer

Value to use as the argument to the transducer


If the transducer yields multiple values then it will return the last value in a TResult.Complete. If the transducer yields zero values then it will return TResult.None. If the transducer throws an exception or yields an Error, then it will return TResult.Fail. If the transducer is cancelled, then it will return TResult.Cancelled.

method TResult<B> Run1 <A, B> ( this Transducer<A, B> transducer, A value, CancellationToken token = default, SynchronizationContext? syncContext = null) Source #

Invoke the transducer, reducing to a single value only


param transducer

Transducer to invoke

param value

Value to use as the argument to the transducer


If the transducer yields multiple values then it will return the last value in a TResult.Complete. If the transducer yields zero values then it will return TResult.None. If the transducer throws an exception or yields an Error, then it will return TResult.Fail. If the transducer is cancelled, then it will return TResult.Cancelled.

method Task<TResult<S>> RunAsync <S, A, B> ( this Transducer<A, B> transducer, A value, S initialState, Reducer<B, S> reducer, Action? @finally, CancellationToken token = default, SynchronizationContext? syncContext = null) Source #

Invoke the transducer, transforming the input value and finally reducing the output with the Reducer provided


param transducer

Transducer to invoke

param value

Value to use as the argument to the transducer

param initialState

Starting state

param reducer

Value to use as the argument to the transducer


If the transducer yields multiple values then it will return the last value in a TResult.Complete. If the transducer yields zero values then it will return TResult.None. If the transducer throws an exception or yields an Error, then it will return TResult.Fail. If the transducer is cancelled, then it will return TResult.Cancelled.

method Task<TResult<B>> Run1Async <A, B> ( this Transducer<A, B> transducer, A value, Action? @finally, CancellationToken token = default, SynchronizationContext? syncContext = null) Source #

Invoke the transducer, reducing to a single value only


param transducer

Transducer to invoke

param value

Value to use as the argument to the transducer


If the transducer yields multiple values then it will return the last value in a TResult.Complete. If the transducer yields zero values then it will return TResult.None. If the transducer throws an exception or yields an Error, then it will return TResult.Fail. If the transducer is cancelled, then it will return TResult.Cancelled.

class Transducer Source #


method Transducer<Unit, A> pure <A> (A value) Source #

Lift a value into the Transducer space


type A

Value type

param value

Value to lift


Transducer from Unit to A

method Transducer<A, B> fail <A, B> (Error error) Source #

Fail transducer

Consider this the throw of transducers. It is the nuclear option to get out of a reduce.


param error

Error to raise


A transducer that always fails

method Transducer<A, B> constant <A, B> (B value) Source #

Constant transducer

Takes any value, ignores it and yields the value provided.


type A

Input value type

type B

Constant value type

param value

Constant value to yield


Transducer from A to B

method Transducer<A, B> ignore <A, B> (Transducer<Unit, B> m) Source #

Lifts a unit accepting transducer, ignores the input value.

method Transducer<A, (A, A)> mkPair <A> () Source #

Make a tuple from a value

method Transducer<A, Sum<X, A>> mkRight <X, A> () Source #

Make a Sum.Right from a value

method Transducer<X, Sum<X, A>> mkLeft <X, A> () Source #

Make a Sum.Left from a value

method Transducer<A, B> tail <A, B> (Transducer<A, B> recursive) Source #

Wrap this around a tail recursive call to mark it as the end of a recursive expression.

method Transducer<Unit, Unit> lift (Action action0) Source #

Lift a function into a Transducer


param action0



Transducer that wraps the lifted function

method Transducer<A, Unit> lift <A> (Action<A> action1) Source #

Lift a function into a Transducer


param action1



Transducer that wraps the lifted function

method Transducer<Unit, A> lift <A> (Func<A> function0) Source #

Lift a function into a Transducer


param function0



Transducer that wraps the lifted function

method Transducer<Unit, A> lift <A> (Func<TResult<A>> tfunction0) Source #

Lift a function into a Transducer


param tfunction0



Transducer that wraps the lifted function

method Transducer<A, B> lift <A, B> (Func<A, B> function1) Source #

Lift a function into a Transducer


param function1



Transducer that wraps the lifted function

method Transducer<A, B> lift <A, B> (Func<A, TResult<B>> tfunction1) Source #

Lift a function into a Transducer


param tfunction1



Transducer that wraps the lifted function

method Transducer<A, Transducer<B, C>> lift <A, B, C> ( Func<A, B, C> function2) Source #

Lift a function into a Transducer


param function2



Transducer that wraps the lifted function

method Transducer<A, Transducer<B, C>> lift <A, B, C> ( Func<A, B, TResult<C>> tfunction2) Source #

Lift a function into a Transducer


param tfunction2



Transducer that wraps the lifted function

method Transducer<A, Transducer<B, Transducer<C, D>>> lift <A, B, C, D> ( Func<A, B, C, D> function3) Source #

Lift a function into a Transducer


param function3



Transducer that wraps the lifted function

method Transducer<A, Transducer<B, Transducer<C, D>>> lift <A, B, C, D> ( Func<A, B, C, TResult<D>> tfunction3) Source #

Lift a function into a Transducer


param tfunction3



Transducer that wraps the lifted function

method Transducer<A, Transducer<B, Transducer<C, Transducer<D, E>>>> lift <A, B, C, D, E> ( Func<A, B, C, D, E> function4) Source #

Lift a function into a Transducer


param function4



Transducer that wraps the lifted function

method Transducer<A, Transducer<B, Transducer<C, Transducer<D, E>>>> lift <A, B, C, D, E> ( Func<A, B, C, D, TResult<E>> tfunction4) Source #

Lift a function into a Transducer


param tfunction4



Transducer that wraps the lifted function

method Transducer<Unit, Unit> liftAsync (Func<Task> action0) Source #

Lift a asynchronous IO function into a Transducer


param function0



Transducer that wraps the lifted function

method Transducer<A, Unit> liftAsync <A> (Func<A, Task> action1) Source #

Lift a asynchronous IO function into a Transducer


param function0



Transducer that wraps the lifted function

method Transducer<Unit, A> liftAsync <A> (Func<Task<A>> function0) Source #

Lift a asynchronous IO function into a Transducer


param function0



Transducer that wraps the lifted function

method Transducer<Unit, A> liftAsync <A> (Func<Task<TResult<A>>> tfunction0) Source #

Lift a asynchronous IO function into a Transducer


param tfunction0



Transducer that wraps the lifted function

method Transducer<A, B> liftAsync <A, B> (Func<A, Task<B>> function1) Source #

Lift a asynchronous IO function into a Transducer


param function1



Transducer that wraps the lifted function

method Transducer<A, B> liftAsync <A, B> (Func<A, Task<TResult<B>>> tfunction1) Source #

Lift a asynchronous IO function into a Transducer


param tfunction1



Transducer that wraps the lifted function

method Transducer<Unit, Unit> liftAsync (Func<CancellationToken, Task> action0) Source #

Lift a asynchronous IO function into a Transducer


param function0



Transducer that wraps the lifted function

method Transducer<A, Unit> liftAsync <A> (Func<CancellationToken, A, Task> action1) Source #

Lift a asynchronous IO function into a Transducer


param function0



Transducer that wraps the lifted function

method Transducer<Unit, A> liftAsync <A> (Func<CancellationToken, Task<A>> function0) Source #

Lift a asynchronous IO function into a Transducer


param function0



Transducer that wraps the lifted function

method Transducer<Unit, A> liftAsync <A> (Func<CancellationToken, Task<TResult<A>>> tfunction0) Source #

Lift a asynchronous IO function into a Transducer


param tfunction0



Transducer that wraps the lifted function

method Transducer<A, B> liftAsync <A, B> (Func<CancellationToken, A, Task<B>> function1) Source #

Lift a asynchronous IO function into a Transducer


param function1



Transducer that wraps the lifted function

method Transducer<A, B> liftAsync <A, B> (Func<CancellationToken, A, Task<TResult<B>>> tfunction1) Source #

Lift a asynchronous IO function into a Transducer


param tfunction1



Transducer that wraps the lifted function

method Transducer<Guard<E, Unit>, Sum<E, Unit>> guard <E> () Source #

Guard transducer

method Transducer<Guard<E, A>, Sum<E, Unit>> guard <E, A> () Source #

Guard transducer

method Transducer<IEnumerable<A>, A> enumerable <A> () Source #

Stream the items in the enumerable through the transducer


type A

Bound value type

param items

Items to stream


Transducer that represents the stream

method Transducer<IObservable<A>, A> observable <A> () Source #

Stream the items in the enumerable through the transducer


type A

Bound value type

param items

Items to stream


Transducer that represents the stream

method Transducer<Seq<A>, A> seq <A> () Source #

Stream the items in the Seq through the transducer


type A

Bound value type

param items

Items to stream


Transducer that represents the stream

method Transducer<IAsyncEnumerable<A>, A> asyncEnumerable <A> () Source #

Stream the items in the IAsyncEnumerable through the transducer


type A

Bound value type

param items

Items to stream


Transducer that represents the stream

method Transducer<A, A> identity <A> () Source #

Identity transducer

method Transducer<A, C> compose <A, B, C> ( Transducer<A, B> f, Transducer<B, C> g) Source #

Transducer composition. The output of one transducer is fed as the input to the next.

Resulting im a single transducer that captures the composition



Transducer that captures the composition

method Transducer<A, D> compose <A, B, C, D> ( Transducer<A, B> f, Transducer<B, C> g, Transducer<C, D> h) Source #

Transducer composition. The output of one transducer is fed as the input to the next.

Resulting im a single transducer that captures the composition



Transducer that captures the composition

method Transducer<A, E> compose <A, B, C, D, E> ( Transducer<A, B> f, Transducer<B, C> g, Transducer<C, D> h, Transducer<D, E> i) Source #

Transducer composition. The output of one transducer is fed as the input to the next.

Resulting im a single transducer that captures the composition



Transducer that captures the composition

method Transducer<A, F> compose <A, B, C, D, E, F> ( Transducer<A, B> f, Transducer<B, C> g, Transducer<C, D> h, Transducer<D, E> i, Transducer<E, F> j) Source #

Transducer composition. The output of one transducer is fed as the input to the next.

Resulting im a single transducer that captures the composition



Transducer that captures the composition

method Transducer<A, G> compose <A, B, C, D, E, F, G> ( Transducer<A, B> f, Transducer<B, C> g, Transducer<C, D> h, Transducer<D, E> i, Transducer<E, F> j, Transducer<F, G> k) Source #

Transducer composition. The output of one transducer is fed as the input to the next.

Resulting im a single transducer that captures the composition



Transducer that captures the composition

method Transducer<A, H> compose <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H> ( Transducer<A, B> f, Transducer<B, C> g, Transducer<C, D> h, Transducer<D, E> i, Transducer<E, F> j, Transducer<F, G> k, Transducer<G, H> l) Source #

Transducer composition. The output of one transducer is fed as the input to the next.

Resulting im a single transducer that captures the composition



Transducer that captures the composition

method Transducer<A, I> compose <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I> ( Transducer<A, B> f, Transducer<B, C> g, Transducer<C, D> h, Transducer<D, E> i, Transducer<E, F> j, Transducer<F, G> k, Transducer<G, H> l, Transducer<H, I> m) Source #

Transducer composition. The output of one transducer is fed as the input to the next.

Resulting im a single transducer that captures the composition



Transducer that captures the composition

method Transducer<A, J> compose <A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J> ( Transducer<A, B> f, Transducer<B, C> g, Transducer<C, D> h, Transducer<D, E> i, Transducer<E, F> j, Transducer<F, G> k, Transducer<G, H> l, Transducer<H, I> m, Transducer<I, J> n) Source #

Transducer composition. The output of one transducer is fed as the input to the next.

Resulting im a single transducer that captures the composition



Transducer that captures the composition

method Transducer<E, B> apply <E, A, B> ( Transducer<E, Func<A, B>> ff, Transducer<E, A> fa) Source #

Applicative apply

Gets a lifted function and a lifted argument, invokes the function with the argument and re-lifts the result.



Result of applying the function to the argument

method Transducer<E, B> apply <E, A, B> ( Transducer<E, Transducer<A, B>> ff, Transducer<E, A> fa) Source #

Applicative apply

Gets a lifted function and a lifted argument, invokes the function with the argument and re-lifts the result.



Result of applying the function to the argument

method Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>> apply <E, X, A, B> ( Transducer<E, Sum<X, Func<A, B>>> ff, Transducer<E, Sum<X, A>> fa) Source #

Applicative apply

Gets a lifted function and a lifted argument, invokes the function with the argument and re-lifts the result.



Result of applying the function to the argument

method Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>> apply <E, X, A, B> ( Transducer<E, Sum<X, Transducer<A, B>>> ff, Transducer<E, Sum<X, A>> fa) Source #

Applicative apply

Gets a lifted function and a lifted argument, invokes the function with the argument and re-lifts the result.



Result of applying the function to the argument

method Transducer<Sum<X, A>, Sum<Y, B>> bimap <X, Y, A, B> ( Transducer<X, Y> Left, Transducer<A, B> Right) Source #

Functor bi-map


param Left

Left mapping transducer

param Right

Right mapping transducer


Composition of first, left, and right transducers

method Transducer<(X, A), (Y, B)> bimapPair <X, Y, A, B> ( Transducer<X, Y> Left, Transducer<A, B> Right) Source #

Functor bi-map


param Left

Left mapping transducer

param Right

Right mapping transducer


Composition of first, left, and right transducers

method Transducer<Sum<X, A>, Sum<Y, B>> bimap <X, Y, A, B> ( Func<X, Y> Left, Func<A, B> Right) Source #

Functor bi-map


param Left

Left mapping transducer

param Right

Right mapping transducer


Composition of first, left, and right transducers

method Transducer<(X, A), (Y, B)> bimapPair <X, Y, A, B> ( Func<X, Y> Left, Func<A, B> Right) Source #

Functor bi-map


param Left

Left mapping transducer

param Right

Right mapping transducer


Composition of first, left, and right transducers

method Transducer<E, Sum<Y, B>> bimap <E, X, Y, A, B> ( Transducer<E, Sum<X, A>> First, Transducer<X, Y> Left, Transducer<A, B> Right) Source #

Functor bi-map


param First

First transducer to run

param Left

Left mapping transducer

param Right

Right mapping transducer


Composition of first, left, and right transducers

method Transducer<E, Sum<Y, B>> bimap <E, X, Y, A, B> ( Transducer<E, Sum<X, A>> First, Func<X, Y> Left, Func<A, B> Right) Source #

Functor bi-map


param First

First transducer to run

param Left

Left mapping transducer

param Right

Right mapping transducer


Composition of first, left, and right transducers

method Transducer<Sum<X, A>, Sum<Z, C>> bimap <X, Y, Z, A, B, C> ( Transducer<Sum<X, A>, Sum<Y, B>> First, Transducer<Y, Z> Left, Transducer<B, C> Right) Source #

Functor bi-map


param First

First transducer to run

param Left

Left mapping transducer

param Right

Right mapping transducer


Composition of first, left, and right transducers

method Transducer<Sum<X, A>, Sum<Z, C>> bimap <X, Y, Z, A, B, C> ( Transducer<Sum<X, A>, Sum<Y, B>> First, Func<Y, Z> Left, Func<B, C> Right) Source #

Functor bi-map


param First

First transducer to run

param Left

Left mapping transducer

param Right

Right mapping transducer


Composition of first, left, and right transducers

method Transducer<Sum<X, A>, Sum<Y, A>> mapLeft <X, Y, A> ( Transducer<X, Y> Left) Source #

Functor bi-map map left


param First

First transducer to run

param Left

Left mapping transducer


Composition of first and left transducers

method Transducer<Sum<X, A>, Sum<Y, A>> mapLeft <X, Y, A> ( Func<X, Y> Left) Source #

Functor bi-map map left


param First

First transducer to run

param Left

Left mapping transducer


Composition of first and left transducers

method Transducer<E, Sum<Y, A>> mapLeft <E, X, Y, A> ( Transducer<E, Sum<X, A>> First, Transducer<X, Y> Left) Source #

Functor bi-map map left


param First

First transducer to run

param Left

Left mapping transducer


Composition of first and left transducers

method Transducer<E, Sum<Y, A>> mapLeft <E, X, Y, A> ( Transducer<E, Sum<X, A>> First, Func<X, Y> Left) Source #

Functor bi-map map left


param First

First transducer to run

param Left

Left mapping transducer


Composition of first and left transducers

method Transducer<Sum<X, A>, Sum<Z, B>> mapLeft <X, Y, Z, A, B> ( Transducer<Sum<X, A>, Sum<Y, B>> First, Transducer<Y, Z> Left) Source #

Functor bi-map map left


param First

First transducer to run

param Left

Left mapping transducer


Composition of first and left

method Transducer<Sum<X, A>, Sum<Z, B>> mapLeft <X, Y, Z, A, B> ( Transducer<Sum<X, A>, Sum<Y, B>> First, Func<Y, Z> Left) Source #

Functor bi-map map left


param First

First transducer to run

param Left

Left mapping transducer


Composition of first and left

method Transducer<Sum<X, A>, Sum<X, B>> mapRight <X, A, B> ( Transducer<A, B> Right) Source #

Functor bi-map map right


param First

First transducer to run

param Right

Right mapping transducer


Composition of first and right transducers

method Transducer<Sum<X, A>, Sum<X, B>> mapRight <X, A, B> ( Func<A, B> Right) Source #

Functor bi-map map right


param First

First transducer to run

param Right

Right mapping transducer


Composition of first and right transducers

method Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>> mapRight <E, X, A, B> ( Transducer<E, Sum<X, A>> First, Transducer<A, B> Right) Source #

Functor bi-map map right


param First

First transducer to run

param Right

Right mapping transducer


Composition of first and right transducers

method Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>> mapRight <E, X, A, B> ( Transducer<E, Sum<X, A>> First, Func<A, B> Right) Source #

Functor bi-map map right


param First

First transducer to run

param Right

Right mapping transducer


Composition of first and right transducers

method Transducer<Sum<X, A>, Sum<Y, C>> mapRight <X, Y, A, B, C> ( Transducer<Sum<X, A>, Sum<Y, B>> First, Transducer<B, C> Right) Source #

Functor bi-map map right


param First

First transducer to run

param Right

Right mapping transducer


Composition of first and right transducers

method Transducer<Sum<X, A>, Sum<Y, C>> mapRight <X, Y, A, B, C> ( Transducer<Sum<X, A>, Sum<Y, B>> First, Func<B, C> Right) Source #

Functor bi-map map right


param First

First transducer to run

param Right

Right mapping transducer


Composition of first and right transducers

method Transducer<B, C> partial <A, B, C> (Transducer<A, Transducer<B, C>> f, A value) Source #

Partial application


param f

Transducer to partially apply

param value

Value to apply


Transducer with the first argument filled

method Transducer<B, C> partial <A, B, C> (Transducer<A, Func<B, C>> f, A value) Source #

Partial application


param f

Transducer to partially apply

param value

Value to apply


Transducer with the first argument filled

method Transducer<A, B> flatten <A, B> (Transducer<A, Transducer<A, B>> ff) Source #

Take nested transducers and flatten them


param ff

Nested transducers


Flattened transducers

method Transducer<A, B> flatten <A, B> (Transducer<A, Transducer<Unit, B>> ff) Source #

Take nested transducers and flatten them


param ff

Nested transducers


Flattened transducers

method Transducer<Env, Sum<X, A>> flatten <Env, X, A> (Transducer<Env, Sum<X, Transducer<Env, Sum<X, A>>>> ff) Source #

Take nested transducers and flatten them


param ff

Nested transducers


Flattened transducers

method Transducer<Env, Sum<X, A>> flatten <Env, X, A> ( Transducer<Env, Sum<Transducer<Env, Sum<X, A>>, Transducer<Env, Sum<X, A>>>> ff) Source #

Take nested transducers and flatten them


param ff

Nested transducers


Flattened transducers

method Transducer<E, B> bind <E, A, B> ( Transducer<E, A> m, Transducer<A, Transducer<E, B>> f) Source #

Monadic bind

method Transducer<E, B> bind <E, A, B> ( Transducer<E, A> m, Transducer<A, Func<E, B>> f) Source #

Monadic bind

method Transducer<E, B> bind <E, A, B> ( Transducer<E, A> m, Func<A, Transducer<E, B>> f) Source #

Monadic bind

method Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>> bind <E, X, A, B> ( Transducer<E, Sum<X, A>> m, Transducer<A, Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>>> f) Source #

Monadic bind

method Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>> bind <E, X, A, B> ( Transducer<E, Sum<X, A>> m, Func<A, Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>>> f) Source #

Monadic bind

method Transducer<E, Sum<X, C>> selectMany <E, X, A, B, C> ( Transducer<E, Sum<X, A>> ma, Func<A, Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #

Monadic bind

method Transducer<A, B> filter <A, B> (Transducer<A, B> f, Transducer<B, bool> pred) Source #

Filter the values in the transducer


param f

Transducer to filter

param pred

Predicate to apply


Filtered transducer

method Transducer<A, B> filter <A, B> (Transducer<A, B> f, Func<B, bool> pred) Source #

Filter the values in the transducer


param f

Transducer to filter

param pred

Predicate to apply


Filtered transducer

method Transducer<A, Sum<X, B>> filter <X, A, B> (Transducer<A, Sum<X, B>> f, Transducer<B, bool> pred) Source #

Filter the values in the transducer


param f

Transducer to filter

param pred

Predicate to apply


Filtered transducer

method Transducer<A, Sum<X, B>> filter <X, A, B> (Transducer<A, Sum<X, B>> f, Func<B, bool> pred) Source #

Filter the values in the transducer


param f

Transducer to filter

param pred

Predicate to apply


Filtered transducer

method Transducer<A, S> fold <S, A> ( Schedule schedule, S initialState, Func<S, A, S> folder, Func<(S State, A Value), TResult<Unit>> predicate) Source #



type S

State type

type A

Input value to the fold operation

param schedule

Series of time-spans that dictate the rate of the fold and for how many iterations

param initialState

Initial state for the fold

param folder

Fold function

param predicate

Predicate that decides if the state should be pushed down the stream


Transducer that folds the stream of values

method Transducer<A, S> foldWhile <S, A> ( Schedule schedule, S initialState, Func<S, A, S> folder, Func<(S State, A Value), bool> predicate) Source #



type S

State type

type A

Input value to the fold operation

param schedule

Series of time-spans that dictate the rate of the fold and for how many iterations

param initialState

Initial state for the fold

param folder

Fold function

param predicate

Predicate that decides if the state should be pushed down the stream


Transducer that folds the stream of values

method Transducer<A, S> foldWhile <S, A> ( Schedule schedule, S initialState, Func<S, A, S> folder, Func<A, bool> valueIs) Source #



type S

State type

type A

Input value to the fold operation

param schedule

Series of time-spans that dictate the rate of the fold and for how many iterations

param initialState

Initial state for the fold

param folder

Fold function

param predicate

Predicate that decides if the state should be pushed down the stream


Transducer that folds the stream of values

method Transducer<A, S> foldWhile <S, A> ( Schedule schedule, S initialState, Func<S, A, S> folder, Func<S, bool> stateIs) Source #



type S

State type

type A

Input value to the fold operation

param schedule

Series of time-spans that dictate the rate of the fold and for how many iterations

param initialState

Initial state for the fold

param folder

Fold function

param predicate

Predicate that decides if the state should be pushed down the stream


Transducer that folds the stream of values

method Transducer<A, S> foldWhile <S, A> ( S initialState, Func<S, A, S> folder, Func<(S State, A Value), bool> predicate) Source #



type S

State type

type A

Input value to the fold operation

param schedule

Series of time-spans that dictate the rate of the fold and for how many iterations

param initialState

Initial state for the fold

param folder

Fold function

param predicate

Predicate that decides if the state should be pushed down the stream


Transducer that folds the stream of values

method Transducer<A, S> foldWhile <S, A> ( S initialState, Func<S, A, S> folder, Func<A, bool> valueIs) Source #



type S

State type

type A

Input value to the fold operation

param schedule

Series of time-spans that dictate the rate of the fold and for how many iterations

param initialState

Initial state for the fold

param folder

Fold function

param predicate

Predicate that decides if the state should be pushed down the stream


Transducer that folds the stream of values

method Transducer<A, S> foldWhile <S, A> ( S initialState, Func<S, A, S> folder, Func<S, bool> stateIs) Source #



type S

State type

type A

Input value to the fold operation

param schedule

Series of time-spans that dictate the rate of the fold and for how many iterations

param initialState

Initial state for the fold

param folder

Fold function

param predicate

Predicate that decides if the state should be pushed down the stream


Transducer that folds the stream of values

method Transducer<A, S> foldUntil <S, A> ( Schedule schedule, S initialState, Func<S, A, S> folder, Func<(S State, A Value), bool> predicate) Source #



type S

State type

type A

Input value to the fold operation

param schedule

Series of time-spans that dictate the rate of the fold and for how many iterations

param initialState

Initial state for the fold

param folder

Fold function

param predicate

Predicate that decides if the state should be pushed down the stream


Transducer that folds the stream of values

method Transducer<A, S> foldUntil <S, A> ( Schedule schedule, S initialState, Func<S, A, S> folder, Func<A, bool> valueIs) Source #



type S

State type

type A

Input value to the fold operation

param schedule

Series of time-spans that dictate the rate of the fold and for how many iterations

param initialState

Initial state for the fold

param folder

Fold function

param predicate

Predicate that decides if the state should be pushed down the stream


Transducer that folds the stream of values

method Transducer<A, S> foldUntil <S, A> ( Schedule schedule, S initialState, Func<S, A, S> folder, Func<S, bool> stateIs) Source #



type S

State type

type A

Input value to the fold operation

param schedule

Series of time-spans that dictate the rate of the fold and for how many iterations

param initialState

Initial state for the fold

param folder

Fold function

param predicate

Predicate that decides if the state should be pushed down the stream


Transducer that folds the stream of values

method Transducer<A, S> foldUntil <S, A> ( S initialState, Func<S, A, S> folder, Func<(S State, A Value), bool> predicate) Source #



type S

State type

type A

Input value to the fold operation

param schedule

Series of time-spans that dictate the rate of the fold and for how many iterations

param initialState

Initial state for the fold

param folder

Fold function

param predicate

Predicate that decides if the state should be pushed down the stream


Transducer that folds the stream of values

method Transducer<A, S> foldUntil <S, A> ( S initialState, Func<S, A, S> folder, Func<A, bool> valueIs) Source #



type S

State type

type A

Input value to the fold operation

param schedule

Series of time-spans that dictate the rate of the fold and for how many iterations

param initialState

Initial state for the fold

param folder

Fold function

param predicate

Predicate that decides if the state should be pushed down the stream


Transducer that folds the stream of values

method Transducer<A, S> foldUntil <S, A> ( S initialState, Func<S, A, S> folder, Func<S, bool> stateIs) Source #



type S

State type

type A

Input value to the fold operation

param schedule

Series of time-spans that dictate the rate of the fold and for how many iterations

param initialState

Initial state for the fold

param folder

Fold function

param predicate

Predicate that decides if the state should be pushed down the stream


Transducer that folds the stream of values

method Transducer<Sum<X, A>, Sum<X, S>> foldSum <S, X, A> ( Schedule schedule, S initialState, Func<S, A, S> folder, Func<(S State, A Value), TResult<Unit>> predicate) Source #



type S

State type

type X

Alternative type for the transducer result (often the error type)

type A

Input value to the fold operation

param schedule

Series of time-spans that dictate the rate of the fold and for how many iterations

param initialState

Initial state for the fold

param folder

Fold function

param predicate

Predicate that decides if the state should be pushed down the stream


Transducer that folds the stream of values

method Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>> choice <E, X, B> (Seq<Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>>> transducers) Source #

Choice transducer

Tries a sequence of transducers until one succeeds (results in a Sum.Right). If the sequence is exhausted then the transducer completes.


param transducers

Sequence of transducers


Transducer that encapsulates the choice

method Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>> choice <E, X, B> (params Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>>[] transducers) Source #

Choice transducer

Tries a sequence of transducers until one succeeds (results in a Sum.Right). If the sequence is exhausted then the transducer completes.


param transducers

Sequence of transducers


Transducer that encapsulates the choice

method Transducer<A, B> memoStream <A, B> (Transducer<A, B> transducer) Source #

Caches the result of the transducer computation for each value flowing through.

This works within the context of a single Invoke operation, so it only makes sense if you're using the transducer as part of a stream process. This allows each item coming through to have its result cached. So you never repeat the process for each A value.


type EqA
type A
type B
param transducer

method Transducer<A, B> memoStream <EqA, A, B> (Transducer<A, B> transducer) Source #

where EqA : Eq<A>

Caches the result of the transducer computation for each value flowing through.

This works within the context of a single Invoke operation, so it only makes sense if you're using the transducer as part of a stream process. This allows each item coming through to have its result cached. So you never repeat the process for each A value.


type EqA
type A
type B
param transducer

method Transducer<A, B> memo <A, B> (Transducer<A, B> transducer) Source #

Caches the result of the transducer computation for each value flowing through.

Unlike MemoStream - which only caches values for the duration of the the call to Invoke - this caches values for the duration of the life of the Transducer instance.

NOTE: Transducers use both a value and a state as inputs to its transformation and reduce process. For memoisation the state is ignored. In a non-memoisation scenario a different state and value pair could produce different results; and so this should be considered when deciding to apply a memo to a transducer: it only checks value equality.


param transducer

Transducer to memoise


Memoised transducer

method Transducer<A, B> memo <EqA, A, B> (Transducer<A, B> transducer) Source #

where EqA : Eq<A>

Caches the result of the transducer computation for each value flowing through.

Unlike MemoStream - which only caches values for the duration of the the call to Invoke - this caches values for the duration of the life of the Transducer instance.

NOTE: Transducers use both a value and a state as inputs to its transformation and reduce process. For memoisation the state is ignored. In a non-memoisation scenario a different state and value pair could produce different results; and so this should be considered when deciding to apply a memo to a transducer: it only checks value equality.


param transducer

Transducer to memoise


Memoised transducer

method Transducer<E, (A First, B Second)> zip <E, A, B> ( Transducer<E, A> First, Transducer<E, B> Second) Source #

Zips transducers together so their results are combined.

Asynchronous transducers will run concurrently


param First

First transducer

param Second

Second transducer


A transducer that contains the results of both provided

method Transducer<E, Sum<X, (A First, B Second)>> zip <E, X, A, B> ( Transducer<E, Sum<X, A>> First, Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>> Second) Source #

Zips transducers together so their results are combined.

Asynchronous transducers will run concurrently


param First

First transducer

param Second

Second transducer


A transducer that contains the results of both provided

method Transducer<E, (A First, B Second, C Third)> zip <E, A, B, C> ( Transducer<E, A> First, Transducer<E, B> Second, Transducer<E, C> Third) Source #

Zips transducers together so their results are combined.

Asynchronous transducers will run concurrently


param First

First transducer

param Second

Second transducer

param Third

Third transducer


A transducer that contains the results of all provided

method Transducer<E, Sum<X, (A First, B Second, C Third)>> zip <E, X, A, B, C> ( Transducer<E, Sum<X, A>> First, Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>> Second, Transducer<E, Sum<X, C>> Third) Source #

Zips transducers together so their results are combined.

Asynchronous transducers will run concurrently


param First

First transducer

param Second

Second transducer

param Third

Third transducer


A transducer that contains the results of all provided

method Transducer<E, (A First, B Second, C Third, D Fourth)> zip <E, A, B, C, D> ( Transducer<E, A> First, Transducer<E, B> Second, Transducer<E, C> Third, Transducer<E, D> Fourth) Source #

Zips transducers together so their results are combined.

Asynchronous transducers will run concurrently


param First

First transducer

param Second

Second transducer

param Third

Third transducer


A transducer that contains the results of all provided

method Transducer<E, Sum<X, (A First, B Second, C Third, D Fourth)>> zip <E, X, A, B, C, D> ( Transducer<E, Sum<X, A>> First, Transducer<E, Sum<X, B>> Second, Transducer<E, Sum<X, C>> Third, Transducer<E, Sum<X, D>> Fourth) Source #

Zips transducers together so their results are combined.

Asynchronous transducers will run concurrently


param First

First transducer

param Second

Second transducer

param Third

Third transducer


A transducer that contains the results of all provided

method Transducer<A, TFork<B>> fork <A, B> (Transducer<A, B> transducer, Option<TimeSpan> timeout = default) Source #

Create a transducer that is queued to run on the thread-pool.


param transducer

Transducer to fork

param timeout

Maximum time that the forked transducer can run for. None for no timeout.


Returns a TFork data-structure that contains two transducers that can be used to either cancel the forked transducer or to await the result of it.

method Transducer<A, TFork<S>> fork <S, A, B> ( Transducer<A, B> transducer, S initialState, Reducer<B, S> reducer, Option<TimeSpan> timeout = default) Source #

Create a transducer that is queued to run on the thread-pool.


param transducer

Transducer to fork

param timeout

Maximum time that the forked transducer can run for. None for no timeout.


Returns a TFork data-structure that contains two transducers that can be used to either cancel the forked transducer or to await the result of it.

method Transducer<A, B> @try <A, B> ( Transducer<A, B> transducer, Func<Error, bool> match, Transducer<Error, B> @catch) Source #

Like try / catch this transducer wraps an existing transducer and catches any errors generated.

The match function is a predicate that decides if the error is going to be dealt with by the catch transducer. If it is then it can make the result safe, or indeed throw a new error if necessary.


param transducer

Transducer to wrap with the try

param match

Predicate that decides if the error is going to be dealt with

param catch

Transducer that handles the error


A transducer that is wrapped with a try / catch

method Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> @try <RT, X, A> ( Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> transducer, Func<X, bool> match, Transducer<X, Sum<X, A>> @catch) Source #

where RT : HasFromError<RT, X>

Like try / catch this transducer wraps an existing transducer and catches any errors generated.

The match function is a predicate that decides if the error is going to be dealt with by the catch transducer. If it is then it can make the result safe, or indeed throw a new error if necessary.

Because the result of the wrapped transducer is a Sum type where Left is considered the failure value. This function will convert any exceptional Error values to Left so they can be matched and caught just like any regular Left value.


param transducer

Transducer to wrap with the try

param match

Predicate that decides if the error is going to be dealt with

param catch

Transducer that handles the error


A transducer that is wrapped with a try / catch

method Transducer<A, B> retry <A, B> (Schedule schedule, Transducer<A, B> transducer) Source #

Keep retrying if the transducer fails


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep retrying


A transducer that retries

method Transducer<A, B> retryUntil <A, B> ( Schedule schedule, Transducer<A, B> transducer, Func<Error, bool> predicate) Source #

Keep retrying if the transducer fails


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep retrying

param predicate

Predicate that decides whether to continue on each failure. If it returns true then the retying stops and the Error is yielded.


A transducer that retries

method Transducer<A, B> retryWhile <A, B> ( Schedule schedule, Transducer<A, B> transducer, Func<Error, bool> predicate) Source #

Keep retrying if the transducer fails


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep retrying

param predicate

Predicate that decides whether to continue on each failure. If it returns false then the retying stops and the Error is yielded.


A transducer that retries

method Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> retry <RT, X, A> ( Schedule schedule, Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> transducer) Source #

where RT : HasFromError<RT, X>

Keep retrying if the transducer fails


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep retrying


A transducer that retries

method Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> retryUntil <RT, X, A> ( Schedule schedule, Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> transducer, Func<X, bool> predicate) Source #

where RT : HasFromError<RT, X>

Keep retrying if the transducer fails


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep retrying

param predicate

Predicate that decides whether to continue on each failure. If it returns true then the retying stops and the Error is yielded.


A transducer that retries

method Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> retryWhile <RT, X, A> ( Schedule schedule, Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> transducer, Func<X, bool> predicate) Source #

where RT : HasFromError<RT, X>

Keep retrying if the transducer fails


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep retrying

param predicate

Predicate that decides whether to continue on each repeat. If it returns false then the repeating stops and the latest value is yielded.


A transducer that retries

method Transducer<A, B> retry <A, B> ( Transducer<A, B> transducer) Source #

Keep retrying if the transducer fails


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep retrying


A transducer that retries

method Transducer<A, B> retryUntil <A, B> ( Transducer<A, B> transducer, Func<Error, bool> predicate) Source #

Keep retrying if the transducer fails


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep retrying

param predicate

Predicate that decides whether to continue on each failure. If it returns true then the retying stops and the Error is yielded.


A transducer that retries

method Transducer<A, B> retryWhile <A, B> ( Transducer<A, B> transducer, Func<Error, bool> predicate) Source #

Keep retrying if the transducer fails


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep retrying

param predicate

Predicate that decides whether to continue on each failure. If it returns false then the retying stops and the Error is yielded.


A transducer that retries

method Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> retry <RT, X, A> ( Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> transducer) Source #

where RT : HasFromError<RT, X>

Keep retrying if the transducer fails


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep retrying


A transducer that retries

method Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> retryUntil <RT, X, A> ( Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> transducer, Func<X, bool> predicate) Source #

where RT : HasFromError<RT, X>

Keep retrying if the transducer fails


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep retrying

param predicate

Predicate that decides whether to continue on each failure. If it returns true then the retying stops and the Error is yielded.


A transducer that retries

method Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> retryWhile <RT, X, A> ( Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> transducer, Func<X, bool> predicate) Source #

where RT : HasFromError<RT, X>

Keep retrying if the transducer fails


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep retrying

param predicate

Predicate that decides whether to continue on each repeat. If it returns false then the repeating stops and the latest value is yielded.


A transducer that retries

method Transducer<A, B> repeat <A, B> (Schedule schedule, Transducer<A, B> transducer) Source #

Keep repeating the transducer


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of repeats and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep repeating


A transducer that repeats


A transducer that repeats

method Transducer<A, B> repeatUntil <A, B> ( Schedule schedule, Transducer<A, B> transducer, Func<B, bool> predicate) Source #

Keep repeating the transducer until a condition is met


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of repeats and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep repeating

param predicate

Predicate that decides whether to continue on each repeat. If it returns true then the repeating stops and the latest value is yielded.


A transducer that repeats

method Transducer<A, B> repeatWhile <A, B> ( Schedule schedule, Transducer<A, B> transducer, Func<B, bool> predicate) Source #

Keep repeating the transducer until a condition is met


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep repeating

param predicate

Predicate that decides whether to continue on each repeat. If it returns false then the repeating stops and the latest value is yielded.


A transducer that repeats

method Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> repeat <RT, X, A> ( Schedule schedule, Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> transducer) Source #

where RT : HasFromError<RT, X>

Keep repeating the transducer


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one


A transducer that retries


A transducer that repeats

method Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> repeatUntil <RT, X, A> ( Schedule schedule, Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> transducer, Func<A, bool> predicate) Source #

where RT : HasFromError<RT, X>

Keep repeating the transducer until a condition is met


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep repeating

param predicate

Predicate that decides whether to continue on each repeat. If it returns true then the repeating stops and the latest value is yielded.


A transducer that repeats

method Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> repeatWhile <RT, X, A> ( Schedule schedule, Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> transducer, Func<A, bool> predicate) Source #

where RT : HasFromError<RT, X>

Keep repeating the transducer until a condition is met


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of repeats and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep repeating

param predicate

Predicate that decides whether to continue on each repeat. If it returns false then the repeating stops and the latest value is yielded.


A transducer that repeats

method Transducer<A, B> repeat <A, B> ( Transducer<A, B> transducer) Source #

Keep repeating the transducer


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of repeats and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep repeating


A transducer that repeats


A transducer that repeats

method Transducer<A, B> repeatUntil <A, B> ( Transducer<A, B> transducer, Func<B, bool> predicate) Source #

Keep repeating the transducer until a condition is met


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of repeats and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep repeating

param predicate

Predicate that decides whether to continue on each repeat. If it returns true then the repeating stops and the latest value is yielded.


A transducer that repeats

method Transducer<A, B> repeatWhile <A, B> ( Transducer<A, B> transducer, Func<B, bool> predicate) Source #

Keep repeating the transducer until a condition is met


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep repeating

param predicate

Predicate that decides whether to continue on each repeat. If it returns false then the repeating stops and the latest value is yielded.


A transducer that repeats

method Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> repeat <RT, X, A> ( Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> transducer) Source #

where RT : HasFromError<RT, X>

Keep repeating the transducer


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one


A transducer that retries


A transducer that repeats

method Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> repeatUntil <RT, X, A> ( Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> transducer, Func<A, bool> predicate) Source #

where RT : HasFromError<RT, X>

Keep repeating the transducer until a condition is met


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of retries and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep repeating

param predicate

Predicate that decides whether to continue on each repeat. If it returns true then the repeating stops and the latest value is yielded.


A transducer that repeats

method Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> repeatWhile <RT, X, A> ( Transducer<RT, Sum<X, A>> transducer, Func<A, bool> predicate) Source #

where RT : HasFromError<RT, X>

Keep repeating the transducer until a condition is met


param schedule

Schedule that dictates the number of repeats and the time-gap between each one

param transducer

Transducer to keep repeating

param predicate

Predicate that decides whether to continue on each repeat. If it returns false then the repeating stops and the latest value is yielded.


A transducer that repeats

method Transducer<A, B> post <A, B> (Transducer<A, B> f) Source #

Make a transducer run on the SynchronizationContext that was captured at the start of an Invoke call.

The transducer receives its input value from the currently running sync-context and then proceeds to run its operation in the captured SynchronizationContext: typically a UI context, but could be any captured context. The result of the transducer is the received back on the currently running sync-context.


param f



method Transducer<A, B> use <A, B> (Transducer<A, B> transducer, Func<B, Unit> dispose) Source #

Resource tracking transducer

method Transducer<A, B> use <A, B> (Transducer<A, B> transducer) Source #

where B : IDisposable

Resource tracking transducer

method Transducer<Unit, A> use <A> (Func<A> acquire, Func<A, Unit> release) Source #

Create a new resource tracking monad: Use. This monad works with other effect based monads that will automatically clean-up the resource when the computation is complete.


type A

Bound value type

param acquire

Resource generator

param dispose

Resource disposer


Use monad that works with other effect monads

method Transducer<Unit, A> use <A> (Func<A> acquire, Action<A> release) Source #

Create a new resource tracking monad: Use. This monad works with other effect based monads that will automatically clean-up the resource when the computation is complete.


type A

Bound value type

param acquire

Resource generator

param dispose

Resource disposer


Use monad that works with other effect monads

method Transducer<Unit, A> use <A> (Func<A> acquire) Source #

where A : IDisposable

Create a new resource tracking monad: Use. This monad works with other effect based monads that will automatically clean-up the resource when the computation is complete.


type A

Bound value type

param acquire

Resource generator

param dispose

Resource disposer


Use monad that works with other effect monads

method Transducer<A, Unit> release <A> () Source #

Create a new Release monad that works with other, effectful, resource tracking monads. The effect of composing this with those other monadic types is that any underlying tracked resource that is equal (through reference equality) will have its resource disposed.


type A

Bound value type

param resource

Resource to release


Release monads

method Transducer<Unit, Unit> release <A> (A resource) Source #

Create a new Release monad that works with other, effectful, resource tracking monads. The effect of composing this with those other monadic types is that any underlying tracked resource that is equal (through reference equality) will have its resource disposed.


type A

Bound value type

param resource

Resource to release


Release monads

method B use <A, B> (Func<A> generator, Func<A, B> f) Source #

where A : IDisposable

Functional implementation of the using(...) { } pattern


param generator

Disposable to use

param f

Inner map function that uses the disposable value


Result of f(generator())

method B use <A, B> (A disposable, Func<A, B> f) Source #

where A : IDisposable

Functional implementation of the using(...) { } pattern


param disposable

Disposable to use

param f

Inner map function that uses the disposable value


Result of f(disposable)

record Reducer <A, S> Source #

Reducer is an encapsulation of a fold operation. It also takes a TState which can be used to track resources allocated.


type A

Value type

type S

State type


method TResult<S> Run (TState state, S stateValue, A value) Source #

Run the reduce operation with an initial state and value

class Reducer Source #


method Reducer<A, S> from <A, S> (Func<TState, S, A, TResult<S>> f) Source #

record Sum <X, A> Source #

Sum-type. Represents either a value of type A or a value of type X.

Isomorphic to Either<L, R>


type X

Alternative value type

type A

Value type


property bool IsLeft Source #

Returns true if the sum-value is in a Left state

property bool IsRight Source #

Returns true if the sum-value is in a Right state


method Sum<X, A> Left (X value) Source #

Constructor of SumLeft<X, A>


param value

Sum<X, A>

method Sum<X, A> Right (A value) Source #

Constructor of SumRight<X, A>


param value

Sum<X, A>

method Sum<X, B> Map <B> (Func<A, B> f) Source #

Functor map


type B

Type of the bound value post-mapping

param f

Function that maps the bound value


Mapped functor

method Sum<Y, B> BiMap <B, Y> (Func<X, Y> Left, Func<A, B> Right) Source #

Functor bi-map

method Sum<X, B> Bind <B> (Func<A, Sum<X, B>> f) Source #

Monadic bind


type B

Type of the bound value post-mapping

param f

Function that maps the bound value


Mapped monad

method Sum<X, C> SelectMany <B, C> (Func<A, Sum<X, B>> bind, Func<A, B, C> project) Source #

Monadic bind and project


type B

Type of the bound value post-mapping

param f

Function that maps the bound value


Mapped monad

method Sum<X, B> Cast <B> () Source #

Casts the sum-type's bound value-type. If the sum-type is in a Right state then this will throw

record SumLeft <X, A> (X Value) Source #

Left (alternative) case of the SumType union


type X

Alternative value type

type A

Value type

param Value

Value of the case


property bool IsLeft Source #

Returns true if the sum-value is in a Left state

property bool IsRight Source #

Returns true if the sum-value is in a Right state


method Sum<X, B> Map <B> (Func<A, B> f) Source #

Functor map


type B

Type of the bound value post-mapping

param f

Function that maps the bound value


Mapped functor

method Sum<Y, B> BiMap <B, Y> (Func<X, Y> Left, Func<A, B> Right) Source #

Functor bi-map

method Sum<X, B> Bind <B> (Func<A, Sum<X, B>> f) Source #

Monadic bind


type B

Type of the bound value post-mapping

param f

Function that maps the bound value


Mapped monad

method string ToString () Source #

method Sum<X, B> Cast <B> () Source #

record SumRight <X, A> (A Value) Source #

Right (primary) case of the SumType union


type X

Alternative value type

type A

Value type

param Value

Value of the case


property bool IsLeft Source #

Returns true if the sum-value is in a Left state

property bool IsRight Source #

Returns true if the sum-value is in a Right state


method Sum<X, B> Map <B> (Func<A, B> f) Source #

Functor map


type B

Type of the bound value post-mapping

param f

Function that maps the bound value


Mapped functor

method Sum<Y, B> BiMap <B, Y> (Func<X, Y> Left, Func<A, B> Right) Source #

Functor bi-map

method Sum<X, B> Bind <B> (Func<A, Sum<X, B>> f) Source #

Monadic bind


type B

Type of the bound value post-mapping

param f

Function that maps the bound value


Mapped monad

method string ToString () Source #

class Sum Source #


method Fin<A> ToFin <A> (this Sum<Error, A> sum) Source #

Convert a Sum to a Fin

method Either<L, R> ToEither <L, R> (this Sum<L, R> sum) Source #

Convert a Sum to a Fin

method Sum<L, R> Flatten <L, R> (this Sum<L, Sum<L, R>> mma) Source #

record TFork <A> ( Transducer<Unit, Unit> Cancel, Transducer<Unit, A> Await) Source #

Result of forking a transducer


type A
param Cancel

A transducer, which if invoked, would cancel the forked transducer

param Await

A transducer, which if invoked, would attempt to get the result of the forked transducer

record Transducer <A, B> Source #

Transducers are composable algorithmic transformations. They are independent from the context of their input and output sources and specify only the essence of the transformation in terms of an individual element. Because transducers are decoupled from input or output sources, they can be used in many different processes - collections, streams, channels, observables, etc. Transducers compose directly, without awareness of input or creation of intermediate aggregates.


type A

Input value type

type B

Output value type


property Transducer<A, B> Morphism Source #

Transducer from A to B


method Reducer<A, S> Transform <S> (Reducer<B, S> reduce) Source #

Transform the transducer using the reducer provided


type S

State type

param reduce



Reducer that captures the transformation of the Transducer and the provided reducer

method Transducer<A, C> Compose <C> (Transducer<B, C> next) Source #

Compose this transducer with the one provided


operator | (A prev, Transducer<A, B> next) Source #

operator | (Transducer<A, B> prev, Transducer<B, B> next) Source #

operator | (Transducer<A, A> prev, Transducer<A, B> next) Source #

record TResultBase Source #


property Error ErrorUnsafe Source #

property bool Success Source #

property bool Continue Source #

property bool Faulted Source #

property bool Recursive Source #

record TResult <A> Source #


property A ValueUnsafe Source #


method TResult<S> Reduce <S> (TState state, S stateValue, Reducer<A, S> reducer) Source #

method TResult<B> Map <B> (Func<A, B> f) Source #

method TResult<B> Bind <B> (Func<A, TResult<B>> f) Source #

record TContinue <A> (A Value) Source #


property bool Success Source #

property bool Continue Source #

property bool Faulted Source #

property bool Recursive Source #

property A ValueUnsafe Source #


method TResult<B> Map <B> (Func<A, B> f) Source #

method TResult<B> Bind <B> (Func<A, TResult<B>> f) Source #

method TResult<S> Reduce <S> (TState state, S stateValue, Reducer<A, S> reducer) Source #

method string ToString () Source #

record TComplete <A> (A Value) Source #


property bool Success Source #

property bool Continue Source #

property bool Faulted Source #

property bool Recursive Source #

property A ValueUnsafe Source #


method TResult<B> Map <B> (Func<A, B> f) Source #

method TResult<B> Bind <B> (Func<A, TResult<B>> f) Source #

method TResult<S> Reduce <S> (TState state, S stateValue, Reducer<A, S> reducer) Source #

method string ToString () Source #

record TCancelled <A> Source #



property bool Success Source #

property bool Continue Source #

property bool Faulted Source #

property bool Recursive Source #

property Error ErrorUnsafe Source #


method TResult<B> Map <B> (Func<A, B> _) Source #

method TResult<B> Bind <B> (Func<A, TResult<B>> _) Source #

method TResult<S> Reduce <S> (TState state, S stateValue, Reducer<A, S> reducer) Source #

method string ToString () Source #

record TNone <A> Source #



property bool Success Source #

property bool Continue Source #

property bool Recursive Source #

property bool Faulted Source #


method TResult<B> Map <B> (Func<A, B> _) Source #

method TResult<B> Bind <B> (Func<A, TResult<B>> _) Source #

method TResult<S> Reduce <S> (TState state, S stateValue, Reducer<A, S> reducer) Source #

method string ToString () Source #

record TFail <A> (Error Error) Source #


property bool Success Source #

property bool Continue Source #

property bool Faulted Source #

property bool Recursive Source #

property Error ErrorUnsafe Source #


method TResult<B> Map <B> (Func<A, B> _) Source #

method TResult<B> Bind <B> (Func<A, TResult<B>> _) Source #

method TResult<S> Reduce <S> (TState state, S stateValue, Reducer<A, S> reducer) Source #

method string ToString () Source #

record TRecursive <A> (TRecursiveRunner<A> Runner) Source #


property bool Success Source #

property bool Continue Source #

property bool Faulted Source #

property bool Recursive Source #


method TResult<B> Map <B> (Func<A, B> f) Source #

method TResult<B> Bind <B> (Func<A, TResult<B>> f) Source #

method TResult<A> Run () Source #

method TResult<S> Reduce <S> (TState st, S s, Reducer<A, S> r) Source #

method string ToString () Source #

record TRecursiveRunner <A> Source #


method TResult<A> Run () Source #

method TRecursiveRunner<B> Map <B> (Func<A, B> f) Source #

method TRecursiveRunner<B> Bind <B> (Func<A, TResult<B>> f) Source #

record TRecursiveReduce <A, S> (TState State, S StateValue, A Value, Reducer<A, S> Next) Source #


method TResult<S> Run () Source #

record TRecursiveMap <A, B> (TRecursiveRunner<A> Next, Func<A, B> F) Source #


method TResult<B> Run () Source #

record TRecursiveBind <A, B> (TRecursiveRunner<A> Next, Func<A, TResult<B>> F) Source #


method TResult<B> Run () Source #

class TResult Source #


method TResult<A> Continue <A> (A value) Source #

method TResult<A> Complete <A> (A value) Source #

method TResult<A> Cancel <A> () Source #

method TResult<A> None <A> () Source #

method TResult<A> Fail <A> (Error Error) Source #

method TResult<S> Recursive <S, A> (TState st, S s, A value, Reducer<A, S> reduce) Source #

method TResult<S> Recursive <S> (TRecursiveRunner<S> reduce) Source #

method Fin<A> ToFin <A> (this TResult<A> ma) Source #

method Fin<A> ToFin <A> (this TResult<Sum<Error, A>> ma) Source #

method Either<E, A> ToEither <E, A> (this TResult<Sum<E, A>> ma, Func<Error, Either<E, A>> errorMap) Source #

class TState Source #


field CancellationToken Token = token Source #

field SynchronizationContext? SynchronizationContext = syncContext Source #


constructor TState (SynchronizationContext? syncContext, CancellationToken token) Source #


method Unit Using <A> (A value, Func<A, Unit> dispose) Source #

method Unit Using <A> (A value) Source #

where A : IDisposable

method Unit Release <A> (A value) Source #

method void Dispose () Source #